- September 07, 2015
Client: Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA)
Location: Pasay City, Metro Manila
In 1997, the associated firms of Lopez Osabel & Associates (LOBEL), Schema Konsult, Inc. and SMDI carried out an optimal NAIA access roadway system study, including traffic routing plan, given the physical constraints imposed by the airport’s present location. The study objectives are: develop a roadway scheme that will ensure vehicular travel time (between NAIA and the downtown centers in Metro Manila) is within acceptable international standards; provide a long-term perspective to all road construction projects being contemplated for the airport complex; and ensure full complimentarily between the Airport Roadway System Development Plan and the NAIA Terminal Complex Master Plan.
Specific services provided by SMDI included comprehensive traffic surveys, socio-economic characterization, traffic demand forecasts, and identification/selection of the most appropriate alternative routes.